Pricing Guide Of Common Procedures Subject To Biannual Review (15/05/2024)

Prices will vary depending on the care or treatment required by your pet. As a guideline, we a pricing guide of common procedures below.  These are subject to biannual review.

If you would like to enquire about our charges, please do contact us at the surgery.

DescriptionPrice NetVATPrice Gross
Consultation Dog (10 mins)£35.00£7.00£42.00
Extended or First Consultation (cat or dog) £41.00£8.20 £49.20
Consultation Cat£30.00£6.00£36.00
Visit Only Small Animal (anywhere on island)£36.00£7.20£43.30
Visit Only Farm Animal (anywhere on island)£32.00£6.40£38.40
Euthanasia Only Cat (home burial)£35.00£7.00£42.00
Euthanasia Only Average Sized Dog (home burial)£48.00£9.60£57.60
Bitch Spay Medium Dog (10 -19.9 kg)NOT including post op medications and body suit/collar£203.00£40.60£243.60
Consultation At Surgery or Visit Out Of Hours£85.50£17.10£102.60
Consultation For Prescription Check£29.50£5.90£35.40
Written Prescription Fee£15.85£3.17£19.02